Winner Announcement of the Summoners War: Chronicles Mileage System Open Event. A big round of applause to all the winners.

23 Aug 2023, 06:01
Winner Announcement of the Summoners War: Chronicles Mileage System Open Event! A big round of applause to all the winners๐Ÿ‘ Experience the Mileage system @play_chronicles and immerse yourself in P2O update within #XPLA ๐Ÿ‘€ Check out the winner list here

Same news in other sources

23 Aug 2023, 06:20
Winner Announcement of the Summoners War: Chronicles Mileage System Open Event! A big round of applause to all the winners๐Ÿ‘ Experience the Mileage system @play_chronicles and immerse yourself in P2O update within #XPLA ๐Ÿ‘€ Check out the winner list here Winners list ๐Ÿ’
Winner Announcement of the Summoners War: Chronicles Mileage System Open Event. A big round of applause to all the winners.
Winner Announcement of the Summoners War: Chronicles Mileage System Open Event! A big round of applause to all the winners๐Ÿ‘ Experience the Mileage system @play_chronicles and immerse yourself in P2O update within #XPLA ๐Ÿ‘€ Check out the winner list here Winners list ๐Ÿ’